Thoughts Swimming Through My Head

Mentions mental health A few random topics because I just have a lot on my mind. I have these weird unsettling dreams. They usually consist of Me being unable to Get to my loved ones And being very scared. They never make any sense And I never fully remember them. It used to be NotContinue reading “Thoughts Swimming Through My Head”

A Different Way To See It

Mentions mental health I have a few things on my mind. Trying to organize what to write day by day is not easy. But this does feel right to do a few random poems with a positive twist today. Some nostalgia is actually good. Some people would like you To think its all bad. ButContinue reading “A Different Way To See It”

I Am Feeling: Some Rants Of Stuff

Mentions mental health I just wanted to rant about a couple of things. There are far more world situations that are bothering me. I hope to get it all out over time in my blogs in a healthy and healing way. I am so tired Of the lack of affordable essentials Like our homes AndContinue reading “I Am Feeling: Some Rants Of Stuff”

Somethings I Won’t Ever Understand

Mentions mental health and trauma I have a lot on my plate and on my mind. Which always leaves something I can write about. Being thankful for what you have Is not hard to do. I do not know Why some find it difficult To just be happy With what they have. Always craving moreContinue reading “Somethings I Won’t Ever Understand”

It Is A Journey But I Have To Deal With It

Mentions mental health Sometimes I wish life would be a little easier and I would just know what is right for me without going through the hurt I have been through. Life throws a lot At you. It feels like we are being tested All of the time. Sometimes I wish It would cool downContinue reading “It Is A Journey But I Have To Deal With It”

Thinking Things And Wondering

Mentions mental health and narcissism A lot has been on my mind lately. Thinking about what I have been through lately and how I will get through the pain of it. Thinking about what I learned and trying to be nicer to myself too. I am not sure If I believe That karma exists ButContinue reading “Thinking Things And Wondering”

Things I Realized Over Time

Mentions mental health In life you learn things, and sometimes painfully. But I am grateful for the lessons anyways. You will always be The bad guy In someone’s story. Even if it is not true. Bad people will stretch everything To make themselves the good guys. It used to bother me. It still kind ofContinue reading “Things I Realized Over Time”

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